Ayurveda is the oldest health care system in the
world. The term is drawn from the ancient Indian
Sanskrit language in which “ayus” means life and
“veda” means knowledge or wisdom. Traditionally,
Ayurvedic practitioners – Vedamahattyas – handed
down their knowledge orally from generation to generation.
Dr. Richard Perera, a 64 year old Singhalesian herbalist-
healer, is one of the few remaining Vedamahattyas.
He works as a herbal practitioner in an Ayurveda
resort in southwestern Sri Lanka. He prepares his
herbal medicines the same way his forebears used to
- a tradition that goes back hundreds of years.
We follow Dr. Perera as he goes about his daily routine
in the resort, searching for rare herbs in the Sri
Lankan jungle. We witness the Vedamahattyas ritual
of honouring a tree before peeling off pieces of its
healing bark. We follow him as he travels by canoe
to a monastery situated on a remote island where
he searches for forgotten Ayurvedic formulas in old
palm leaf scriptures. We are present when he prepares
his herbal oils and tinctures for the healing
ayurvedic massages.
Ayurveda – the wisdom of life. A fascinating fi lm
about the world’s oldest health care system – taught
by one of its last authentic representatives. An exciting
approach to a foreign culture. This fi lm is proof
that Western Culture only stands to gain from the
knowledge of ancient ayurvedic practices and their
healing wisdom.
Extra Bonus
- TV Magazin: "Natürlich Leben - Ayurveda"
mit dem Ayurveda Experten Dr. Ernst Schrott
- Literaturempfehlung von Nicole Maria Krieger
- Fragebogen: Bestimmen sie Ihren Dosha Typ